Panic Attack And Herbal Treatment

Panic Attack Causes

Some you suspected (and the ones you got caught by)

Each one of us is unique. The trigger of my panic attack may be totally different to yours. Here are the common causes of panic attack:
  • Genetics: Panic disorder runs in families, indicating that genes may be involved.
  • Upbringing: The example our parents set in handling anxiety may strongly predispose us to anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Anxious parenting: Parents with an anxious outlook may make us feel as if the world is dangerous, predisposing us to anxiety attacks.
  • Poor blood sugar control: The body cannot function properly, and will signal danger if our blood sugar levels go hay-wire.
  • Diet: A diet high sugar may trigger panic attacks.
  • Alcohol: Definitely a trigger in people with panic attack.
  • Caffeine: Ditto.
  • Overactive thyroid: This may increase our anxiety levels.
  • Balance problems: It is not really clear if panic leads to the feeling of loss of balance, or if a loss of balance leads to anxiety, but they are certainly associated.
  • Vitamin B deficiency: We need sufficient vitamin B for our central nervous system to function optimally.
  • Allergy: Although not proven it may be worth investigating if you are more prone to anxiety attacks when exposed to food allergies or to contact allergens such as cats, dogs and pollen.
  • Life Transitions: Psychological and physical transitions like becoming a teenager, entering a new school or college or university, entering marriage, pregnancy, motherhood, widowhood, retirement, developing a chronic illness, first menstruation, menopause, erectile dysfunction, etc. are all legitimate causes of panic attacks.
  • Loss: All kinds of loss may trigger anxiety because of the loss of our basic security - loss of a loved one, loss of a lover, divorce, job loss, loss of income, loss of our home, loss of a circle of friends when we move to a new home, town or school, etc.
  • Terrifying experiences : A situation that very authentically threatens our personal safety and security is often the initial trigger for panic attacks which are later on triggered by very insignificant or light threats. Having been in a bomb explosion may make us terribly afraid of any loud noise such as a door that is blown shut by the wind. War experiences are notorious initial triggers but a burglary, being held by gunpoint, a hi-jack, car theft or physical violence are all valid as initial triggers.
  • Drugs: Nicotine and marijuana are definite triggers of panic attacks, and should be avoided if by everyone with a tendency to anxiety.
  • Inner dialogue: Anxious and negative self-talk through which we convince ourselves that we are in danger greatly contributes to anxiety and panic attacks. It is not as simple as merely telling ourselves to stop. This takes insight into our subconsciously held beliefs, fears, pressures and suppressed feelings.
  • Unassertiveness: Almost all of us who struggle with anxiety and panic tend to be more polite and respectful. As a group we tend to be unassertive. It is unclear how this translates into anxiety attacks but being more open to outside pressure and not feeling in control contributes greatly.
  • Medications: Many medications list increased anxiety as one of the side-effects. If you suddenly develop anxiety shortly after starting a new medication discuss it with your doctor. These symptoms may go away within a few days. If they don’t you may need to change medication.
  • Your breathing style: Breathing from your chest may cause overbreathing as you are exhaling too little carbon dioxide in relation to the amount of oxygen you are inhaling.

Finding Natural Cures for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can occur at any time; day or night, and are very unexpected, unpredictable and disturbing. Many people often need to be rushed to an emergency medical center because they do not know what to do. Panic attacks may sometimes be mistaken for heart attacks or seizures, so it really is a serious condition. Panic attacks, along with other types of attacks, are a fairly common condition and affect more women than men. Some people experience panic attacks once or twice during times of stress or anxiety, while other experience attacks a few times a week, sometimes even daily. Panic attacks are known to be a physiological response to fear or sudden anxiety or shock. It can be caused by either something physical, like a snake, or the fear of an event, like flying or death. Panic attacks are very unpredictable and can happen any time, without any apparent trigger, despite the sufferers efforts to fight against it. This causes the person even more stress and anxiety and can often worsen the situation.

There are so many people struggling to find natural cures for panic attacks, because, lets be honest, its not just another disease. Many have been searching for a cure or even just a reliever, but have come up empty handed. With a condition like this, you are never sure. Some remedies may work for you, others may not. It is safe to say, decreasing ones anxiety levels will obviously decrease the amount of panic attacks suffered. So, why not try a couple of treatments that will help you lower your anxiety levels?

Among the natural cures for panic attacks, or moreover, anxiety, you will find that there are different types of cures: breathing techniques, medicinal solutions, herbs and plant etc. Herbal or natural cures is beneficial, because they do not have the side effects that medicinal cures have and frankly, many of these herbs and cures have been used for thousands of years already.

- Passion flower: The passion flower acts in a similar way to benzodiazepine, a prescribed drug to treat anxiety. Yes, it does have some side effects, but they are minimal and worth the try.
- Valerian: Valerian is another herb among natural cures for panic attacks or anxiety. It is also available in a tablet form, but I would prefer the more natural approach of herbal tea.
- Kava Herb: Yet another popular, Chinese herb used in the treatment of anxiety.

Breathing techniques are also among the great natural cures for panic attacks. It has been used for thousands of years but is still used today, in the form of yoga and meditation. Homeopathic remedies are diluted amounts of various herbs that can be effective natural cures for panic attacks. There really is so much more information on the internet about natural cures for panic attacks. I advise anyone that is suffering from this condition to look up and find as much information as possible and try them out to see which ones work and which ones does not. Good luck.

Do Herbal Cures For Anxiety Work?

Before looking at some of the herbal cures for anxiety I would just briefly like to go over what Anxiety disorder is for the benefit of those who might be suffering but are not aware of it. Anxiety is a state that most people will experience in their life from time to time. We all get a little anxious when we need to take on a new challenge, or confront a fear, whether that be the fear of speaking in front of an audience, starting a new job or flying in an aeroplane. The reasons people become afraid and varied and can happen at any time of one’s life. Chronic anxiety, however is a disorder called Anxiety Disorder and is much more sever and crippling. Anxiety disorder if not treated affects all aspects of the individuals life. It can best be explained as an almost constant fear and panic.

There are many different healing approaches to healing anxiety, and each person responds differently to each approach. Some of the approaches used to treat anxiety is; medication, cognitive-behavioural therapy, meditation, physical movement techniques, and herbal therapies. For the purpose of this article we will be looking into some of the herbal cures for anxiety, and just how effective they can be in treating the disorder. The first step in treating anxiety disorder however is being diagnosed, and then the proper remedies can be supplied. Here are some herbal cures for anxiety.

Stress relieving teas:
Green tea as well as chamomile tea both have very strong calming and sedative properties. Chamomile is a flowering plant which has been used for centuries in Europe and Asia for its medicinal properties. It has anti inflammatory properties and has been used for a wide range of problems, but one of its most important benefits is its tranquilizing effects. The active ingredient in Chamomile called Apigenin, is responsible for its sedative and anti-anxiety powers. Sipping chamomile tea has been clinically proven to have a significant effect on mild anxiety and stress.
Green tea is another herb which many people report, leaves them feeling calm and relaxed, I happen to be one of those people. I started drinking Green Tea, to reduce inflammation in my body, but what I found was that drinking green tea immediately made me more relaxed and calm.

Other powerful herbs:
Both Valerian and St. Johns Wort have been shown to have a anti-anxiety and sedative effect on the mind and body. St. Johns Wort is a herb which is primarily used in the treatment of depression, however studies indicate that it may also have an effect on general anxiety. Valerian is a perennial flowering plant which may affect the same brain pathways as anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax (known as benzodiazepines). These two herbs can be taken in conjunction to offer relief from anxiety, and its symptoms.

Remember that herbs are very powerful, and can also have side effects, speak to your doctor or research the contra-indications before self-administration.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Natural Cures For Panic

More people than you think suffer from panic attacks and are in desperate need for natural cures for panic attacks. Not everyone can afford to spend thousands on psychiatrists and the drugs that they will prescribe and not everyone believes that herbal cures will work. There is a solution for these unfortunates. It is a psychological technique called cognitive behavioural therapy.

As far as natural cures for panic attacks go, this is probably one of the most successful. This is because it uses the brain’s processing power to solve the problem of the panic attacks.
The theory behind it is simple, but putting it into practice can be very challenging and may take months to have a noticeable effect. The theory is that the panic attacks occur because of a maladaptive response in the brain to certain stimuli. The trick is to retrain the brain to react correctly to those stimuli.

The process is simple.
First the stimulus has to be isolated. This could be being in a crowd or driving a car or being stuck in traffic or even just being in a lift. Once it is know what triggers the panic attack the next thing to be done is to isolate the thought processes that actually result in the panic attack.

They are often thoughts of helplessness or extreme fear which is often unfounded and completely illogical. These thoughts basically trigger an extreme flight or flight response which causes adrenaline to course through the system and the autonomic nervous system to kick in. This is what causes the generally flustered feeling, racing heart, sweating and other symptoms of adrenaline.

The next thing is to retrain those thought patterns into something that is more appropriate. The person has to catch the thoughts in action and redirect them before a panic attack ensues. This is often the most trick y par as it requires a lot of self discipline and self awareness to capture those thoughts. As time goes on, it becomes easier and easier to redirect the thoughts that cause the panic attack until it eventually becomes an automatic response and the panic attacks no longer occur.

Cognitive behaviour therapy has been used successfully in a number of different psychological ailments, including manic depression and attention-deficit disorder. The underlying theory is that our thoughts determine our behaviour and if we can change those thoughts, then we can more easily change the behaviour. It is almost like exchanging a bad habit for a good one.

So, for those who do not like to take drugs to stop their panic attacks or cannot believe that herbs can actually help the problem, look into cognitive behavioural therapy as one of the more successful natural cures for panic attacks. It does take time to take effect and does require a lot of self discipline and hard work, but you can get rid of your panic attacks for good without having to rely on drugs for the rest of your life to manage the problem.

Panic Away - End Anxiety & Panic Attacks. Well-being And Self Help

Driving Fear Program

Panic Miracle (tm): Top Panic Attacks & Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the World's No.1 Treatment for Anxiety & Panic

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