Dont Let Your Anxiety Get You Down And Find The Truth About Panic Anxiety
Individuals suffering from anxiety will tell you that it is an awful
feeling! Anxiety can be described as a form of worry, apprehension,
tension or panic. Now youre probably thinking that you are often worried
or tense, does that now make you an anxiety sufferer? Definitely not!
We all deal with issues on a daily basis and feeling a bit worried or
tense is not always something that should flicker warning lights.
However, if you are constantly feeling like something heavy is resting on your chest and that you would rather hide your head under a pillow than deal with the day ahead, you might need some help dealing with your anxiety. Other symptoms may include headaches, stiff muscles, a dry mouth and constant fatigue – just to name a few.
I am not suggesting that you should make an immediate appointment with a psychiatrist and start taking the strongest available medicine on the market. Many anxiety natural remedies are available and even a change in your lifestyle or the way you deal with your feelings can make a huge difference.
Before advanced medicines were available, people turned to herbs for relief of many ailments and symptoms. The herb passionflower was widely used for relief of anxiety and even insomnia. As with all medicines or ointments it is still advisable to consult with a physician before you start experimenting with anxiety natural remedies. The abovementioned herb for example, caused side effects in some cases. These included an increased heartbeat, nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.
Other anxiety natural remedies come in the form of bodywork. By spoiling yourself with a relaxing massage for example, you can eliminate a lot of those stressed muscles which will in turn relieve tension and lead to improved sleep. If left unattended, anxiety symptoms can form a vicious circle: First you are slightly anxious, then your muscles start to tense up. Then you get more anxious because of your tense muscles, which in turn leads to even stiffer muscles and more tension… can you see what I am getting at?
Constant anxiety will eventually take a heavy toll. You can lie awake at night and end up irritable and edgy during the day. This will also impact on your relationships with friends and family as you will be like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode.
It is possible to control your anxiety to a certain extent – this of course depends on the level of your anxiety and not all cases are the same. Some people have found that they can force themselves to worry at a certain time of the day. This might sound very weird, but think about it this way: If you allow yourself 30 minutes to worry at a specific time of the day, your worry period is over and done with and you are left with a worry-free remainder of the day. You are in control of your thoughts and your mind – why not give it a try?
Everyone suffers of anxiety now and again - once it starts consuming you its time to seek professional advice!
1. Get your self-help guide out and check the advice right now
This will help you remember what you’ve been taught - the best instant refresher course imaginable.
Having your own self-help book at hand is a major advantage when you feel a panic attack coming on. It is the quintessential guidance at the very moment you need it most.
Keep you self-help guide where it is easily accessible for you. Or get more than one copy (or print more than one copy) so you have one available in the places where you are more likely to experience higher levels of anxiety – like in your car, at the office, etc.
2. Cup your hand to your mouth
This forces you to breathe slowly, which rebalances your oxygen-carbon dioxide blood levels.
It is similar to breathing into a bag – you may not have a bag handy, or may not want to look so conspicuous. Cupping your hand to your mouth is also a natural reaction when we are frightened, which is probably our bodies natural panic prevention mechanism.
3. Go with the flow
This is hard for us but it works. Recognize your symptoms as panic. Each one of your anxiety symptoms is part of you wonderful body’s natural, perfect responses to danger to enable us to handle a physically dangerous situation. Our fight or flight response triggers the release of various neurotransmittors, like adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and more. They trigger responses to:
4. Do something physically
Your body is enabling you for a strenuous physical challenge - calm it by giving it an outlet!
Rub your hands vigorously; jog in one place; go for a quick walk or slow jog; stretch; touch your toes; swing your arms; run up and down some stairs; dance vigorously do anything that requires some release of that pent-up fight-or-flight reaction.
Once you are a bit more relaxed try alternatively tensing and relaxing your muscles.
It is best to do this as early on in the panic attack, preferably whenever you notice a rise in your anxiety level.
1. Yawning can be an anxiety symptom
Excessive yawning is a sign that the central nervous system is hyper-activated Therefore it can be an indication of general anxiety, uneasiness and stress. It is one of the early warning signs we can use, so we can prepare.
2. Coke may make us more susceptible to an anxiety attack
Yes, true. Cola drinks contain caffeine, which numerous studies have shown to trigger panic attacks in people with anxiety disorders. However, caffeine-free colas are safe for us.
Obviously coke is not our only source of caffeine. Coffee is the main culprit but caffeine hides in many products, such as cold medications, slimming products, medications to stay awake (often taken by students to study through the night and by people driving long distance). Caffeine is also the active ingredient in energizing herbs like yerbe mate and in guarana. Many energy sweets and drinks depends on caffeine to give you that energy spike. Check the labels!
3. Cutting out coffee can actually trigger an anxiety attack
Yes, true. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms cause headaches, jitteriness and headaches symptoms we correctly associate with previous anxiety attacks. Expecting or fearing a panic attack often triggers it.
For us the best way to cut out coffee is to wean ourselves from it slowly. This way we sidestep the withdrawal symptoms.
The same goes for other sources of caffeine, like colas, guarana or yerbe mate.
4. Weight loss diets cause panic attacks
There is some truth in this, too – but only if we use a diet supplement or slimming product loaded with caffeine.
5. One is more likely to get an anxiety attack in the winter
It is not about the season but about colds medications. If you use cold medicine with caffeine you may be triggering the panic attack via your medication.
If you notice a seasonal tendency it is likely that some behaviour or situation (e.g. drinking more alcohol over the holidays) or stressful situation (e.g. visiting where you feel uncomfortable) or time pressure (e.g. deadlines, too much to do and cut-off times) is to blame. Try and see if you can identify a pattern.
6. Journaling / blogging may increase anxiety.
Although these activities often release anxiety much depends on how your approach.
It is a generally held truth that if you can’t find a solution to a problem within fifteen minutes of thinking about it, your chance of finding a solution plummets to zero by 40 minutes. If your journal or blog means that you will be working through your problem towards some outcome it will release your anxiety. But if it feeds your internal dialogue into a pattern of repetitive, unstoppable, racing thoughts it may increase your anxiety.
Much depends on what permissions we give ourselves. If we tell ourselves OK, we may fail, we may be more anxious than other people it may help us get some of our anxiety out of our systems. But if we experience our failing acutely and beat ourselves up about it while we write we are only increasing our stress levels.
7. Bag breathing isnt the answer
It certainly does help and it is a good first-aid approach. It also helps to simply breath very slowly in by using the tummy muscles and then to breathe out very slowly, through the nose. Both techniques re-balance the oxygen-carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which prevents the anxiety chain reaction in the body.
However, if you need this type of therapy regularly it is far better to get proper help such as a self-help guide, therapy or medication.
And three more findings, as confirmed by the latest research
8. Many alcoholics are actually self-medicating their anxiety panic attacks
Yes, true. Alcohol is often used by panickers to cope with fear. Soldiers not knowing when an attack is due are especially vulnerable, as well as people with social anxiety and those of us facing an ordeal or challenge like a presentation at work, competitive sport or social event. In fact, a recent study shows that one in five of alcoholics are actually panickers who originally were self-medicating and then fell prey to addiction.
Weve all used alcohol to help us weve always known about this one!
Alcohol is a very poor substitute for proper medication for panic attacks, as it is addictive and actually adds to our woes. What we really need is proper anxiety treatment.
9. A panic attack can last days on end
We are always told that a panic attack never last more than ten minutes, and often less than five minutes, or even as short as one single minute. We are told this by doctors and therapists whove never been through it.
We know different - many of us have been through endless hours of anxiety and peak panic attacks. And science is finally describing what we experience, namely that many of us suffer serial panic attacks for hours on end. This is truly very frightening and totally exhausting.
We told them !
10. The more polite you are the more prone you are to anxiety disorder
More evidence is being found by researchers that we who communicate in a polite and respectful way are far more likely to become anxious and develop intense anxiety and panic attacks. It is not clear why this unassertive way of communication leads to a physical expression such as a panic attack.
Once again, weve always noticed that it is the nice guys and good girls who share our experience.
In conclusion
What scientists and we ourselves all know is that we overcome anxiety only when we are armed with more knowledge about it.
A reliable self-help guide is one of the best ways to inform yourself well.
Here are the main questions we share:
What is natural anxiety?
The body has to respond to dangerous situations, and very quickly too. Therefore it has a built-in fight or flight response which, simply put, is a series of events in the body that enable us to energetically respond and overcome very strenuous and physically dangerous situations.
Heres the thing: natural anxiety is actually the beautiful, perfectly natural response of our bodies to danger! We who have anxiety disorders should not be ashamed of ourselves. Our bodies are functioning very well, thank you. Had we lived in a thousand years or even a hundred years ago, we would have been the ones to survive!
What happens during an anxiety panic attack?
Our fight or flight response triggers the release of various neurotransmittors, like adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and more. They trigger responses such as:
Not necessarily, but yes, our children are more likely to suffer from panic attacks than non-panickers kids. There seems to be a genetic basis. In almost half of the cases of identical twins with panic both are affected. But behavioral learning may also play a role. In other words our kids are likely to follow in our panic steps.
This makes it even more important that we learn to handle our panic attacks. We recommend that you check out the following self-help guide: Panic Away, by Joe Barry. He has suffered from Panic and Anxiety himself for years, until he managed to hit on one technique that is an almost fail-safe guarantee to rid you of your panic and anxiety.
Does stress trigger panic and anxiety attacks?
Yes, stress seems to play a huge role. There is a strong association between anxiety symptoms and recent loss or separation.
Panic Away - End Anxiety & Panic Attacks. Well-being And Self Help
Driving Fear Program
Panic Miracle (tm): Top Panic Attacks & Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the World's No.1 Treatment for Anxiety & Panic
The Paruresis Treatment System - Resources and Help for Shy Bladder
The Panic Hack
However, if you are constantly feeling like something heavy is resting on your chest and that you would rather hide your head under a pillow than deal with the day ahead, you might need some help dealing with your anxiety. Other symptoms may include headaches, stiff muscles, a dry mouth and constant fatigue – just to name a few.
I am not suggesting that you should make an immediate appointment with a psychiatrist and start taking the strongest available medicine on the market. Many anxiety natural remedies are available and even a change in your lifestyle or the way you deal with your feelings can make a huge difference.
Before advanced medicines were available, people turned to herbs for relief of many ailments and symptoms. The herb passionflower was widely used for relief of anxiety and even insomnia. As with all medicines or ointments it is still advisable to consult with a physician before you start experimenting with anxiety natural remedies. The abovementioned herb for example, caused side effects in some cases. These included an increased heartbeat, nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.
Other anxiety natural remedies come in the form of bodywork. By spoiling yourself with a relaxing massage for example, you can eliminate a lot of those stressed muscles which will in turn relieve tension and lead to improved sleep. If left unattended, anxiety symptoms can form a vicious circle: First you are slightly anxious, then your muscles start to tense up. Then you get more anxious because of your tense muscles, which in turn leads to even stiffer muscles and more tension… can you see what I am getting at?
Constant anxiety will eventually take a heavy toll. You can lie awake at night and end up irritable and edgy during the day. This will also impact on your relationships with friends and family as you will be like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode.
It is possible to control your anxiety to a certain extent – this of course depends on the level of your anxiety and not all cases are the same. Some people have found that they can force themselves to worry at a certain time of the day. This might sound very weird, but think about it this way: If you allow yourself 30 minutes to worry at a specific time of the day, your worry period is over and done with and you are left with a worry-free remainder of the day. You are in control of your thoughts and your mind – why not give it a try?
Everyone suffers of anxiety now and again - once it starts consuming you its time to seek professional advice!
5 Quickest Emergency-Room Anxiety Cures
In the middle of an anxiety attack? Or feeling one coming on? You can feel well within five minutes! Heres what to do:1. Get your self-help guide out and check the advice right now
This will help you remember what you’ve been taught - the best instant refresher course imaginable.
Having your own self-help book at hand is a major advantage when you feel a panic attack coming on. It is the quintessential guidance at the very moment you need it most.
Keep you self-help guide where it is easily accessible for you. Or get more than one copy (or print more than one copy) so you have one available in the places where you are more likely to experience higher levels of anxiety – like in your car, at the office, etc.
2. Cup your hand to your mouth
This forces you to breathe slowly, which rebalances your oxygen-carbon dioxide blood levels.
It is similar to breathing into a bag – you may not have a bag handy, or may not want to look so conspicuous. Cupping your hand to your mouth is also a natural reaction when we are frightened, which is probably our bodies natural panic prevention mechanism.
3. Go with the flow
This is hard for us but it works. Recognize your symptoms as panic. Each one of your anxiety symptoms is part of you wonderful body’s natural, perfect responses to danger to enable us to handle a physically dangerous situation. Our fight or flight response triggers the release of various neurotransmittors, like adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and more. They trigger responses to:
- make us breathe deeper so more oxygen gets absorbed into our blood;getting our hearts to start
- pump blood at a higher rate so more blood and oxygen reaches our muscles so we can better fight the enemy, or outrun it.
- direct blood sugar to our muscles, so we have the necessary energy for fighting or fleeing.
4. Do something physically
Your body is enabling you for a strenuous physical challenge - calm it by giving it an outlet!
Rub your hands vigorously; jog in one place; go for a quick walk or slow jog; stretch; touch your toes; swing your arms; run up and down some stairs; dance vigorously do anything that requires some release of that pent-up fight-or-flight reaction.
Once you are a bit more relaxed try alternatively tensing and relaxing your muscles.
It is best to do this as early on in the panic attack, preferably whenever you notice a rise in your anxiety level.
- 5. Eat half a slice whole grain bread or a small cube of cheese
Your blood sugar levels may need to be adjusted. A small, healthy snack will take care of that.
Do not drink coffee or tea with it, as this adds caffeine to your bloodstream, which will increase your anxiety.
no wine, no beer, no root beer or anything with even a trace of alcohol. - no coca cola (unless it is caffeine-free and sugar-free)
- neither any energy drinks or bars as they usually contain coffee and/or sugar
- no sweets at this stage, as a spike in your blood sugar now will lead to a sharp drop within half an hour, making you more susceptible to a panic attack then.
Seven things you never knew about panic anxiety attacks
And three more you just knew1. Yawning can be an anxiety symptom
Excessive yawning is a sign that the central nervous system is hyper-activated Therefore it can be an indication of general anxiety, uneasiness and stress. It is one of the early warning signs we can use, so we can prepare.
2. Coke may make us more susceptible to an anxiety attack
Yes, true. Cola drinks contain caffeine, which numerous studies have shown to trigger panic attacks in people with anxiety disorders. However, caffeine-free colas are safe for us.
Obviously coke is not our only source of caffeine. Coffee is the main culprit but caffeine hides in many products, such as cold medications, slimming products, medications to stay awake (often taken by students to study through the night and by people driving long distance). Caffeine is also the active ingredient in energizing herbs like yerbe mate and in guarana. Many energy sweets and drinks depends on caffeine to give you that energy spike. Check the labels!
3. Cutting out coffee can actually trigger an anxiety attack
Yes, true. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms cause headaches, jitteriness and headaches symptoms we correctly associate with previous anxiety attacks. Expecting or fearing a panic attack often triggers it.
For us the best way to cut out coffee is to wean ourselves from it slowly. This way we sidestep the withdrawal symptoms.
The same goes for other sources of caffeine, like colas, guarana or yerbe mate.
4. Weight loss diets cause panic attacks
There is some truth in this, too – but only if we use a diet supplement or slimming product loaded with caffeine.
5. One is more likely to get an anxiety attack in the winter
It is not about the season but about colds medications. If you use cold medicine with caffeine you may be triggering the panic attack via your medication.
If you notice a seasonal tendency it is likely that some behaviour or situation (e.g. drinking more alcohol over the holidays) or stressful situation (e.g. visiting where you feel uncomfortable) or time pressure (e.g. deadlines, too much to do and cut-off times) is to blame. Try and see if you can identify a pattern.
6. Journaling / blogging may increase anxiety.
Although these activities often release anxiety much depends on how your approach.
It is a generally held truth that if you can’t find a solution to a problem within fifteen minutes of thinking about it, your chance of finding a solution plummets to zero by 40 minutes. If your journal or blog means that you will be working through your problem towards some outcome it will release your anxiety. But if it feeds your internal dialogue into a pattern of repetitive, unstoppable, racing thoughts it may increase your anxiety.
Much depends on what permissions we give ourselves. If we tell ourselves OK, we may fail, we may be more anxious than other people it may help us get some of our anxiety out of our systems. But if we experience our failing acutely and beat ourselves up about it while we write we are only increasing our stress levels.
7. Bag breathing isnt the answer
It certainly does help and it is a good first-aid approach. It also helps to simply breath very slowly in by using the tummy muscles and then to breathe out very slowly, through the nose. Both techniques re-balance the oxygen-carbon dioxide levels in the blood, which prevents the anxiety chain reaction in the body.
However, if you need this type of therapy regularly it is far better to get proper help such as a self-help guide, therapy or medication.
And three more findings, as confirmed by the latest research
8. Many alcoholics are actually self-medicating their anxiety panic attacks
Yes, true. Alcohol is often used by panickers to cope with fear. Soldiers not knowing when an attack is due are especially vulnerable, as well as people with social anxiety and those of us facing an ordeal or challenge like a presentation at work, competitive sport or social event. In fact, a recent study shows that one in five of alcoholics are actually panickers who originally were self-medicating and then fell prey to addiction.
Weve all used alcohol to help us weve always known about this one!
Alcohol is a very poor substitute for proper medication for panic attacks, as it is addictive and actually adds to our woes. What we really need is proper anxiety treatment.
9. A panic attack can last days on end
We are always told that a panic attack never last more than ten minutes, and often less than five minutes, or even as short as one single minute. We are told this by doctors and therapists whove never been through it.
We know different - many of us have been through endless hours of anxiety and peak panic attacks. And science is finally describing what we experience, namely that many of us suffer serial panic attacks for hours on end. This is truly very frightening and totally exhausting.
We told them !
10. The more polite you are the more prone you are to anxiety disorder
More evidence is being found by researchers that we who communicate in a polite and respectful way are far more likely to become anxious and develop intense anxiety and panic attacks. It is not clear why this unassertive way of communication leads to a physical expression such as a panic attack.
Once again, weve always noticed that it is the nice guys and good girls who share our experience.
In conclusion
What scientists and we ourselves all know is that we overcome anxiety only when we are armed with more knowledge about it.
A reliable self-help guide is one of the best ways to inform yourself well.
FAQ about panic attacks
Know thyself is an ancient and very wise piece advice. When it comes to anxiety attacks it is so true that it could have been intended absolutely and only for us who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. For the more we know about our condition the more able we eventually become in handling and overcoming anxiety.Here are the main questions we share:
What is natural anxiety?
The body has to respond to dangerous situations, and very quickly too. Therefore it has a built-in fight or flight response which, simply put, is a series of events in the body that enable us to energetically respond and overcome very strenuous and physically dangerous situations.
Heres the thing: natural anxiety is actually the beautiful, perfectly natural response of our bodies to danger! We who have anxiety disorders should not be ashamed of ourselves. Our bodies are functioning very well, thank you. Had we lived in a thousand years or even a hundred years ago, we would have been the ones to survive!
What happens during an anxiety panic attack?
Our fight or flight response triggers the release of various neurotransmittors, like adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and more. They trigger responses such as:
- making us breathe deeper so more oxygen gets absorbed into our blood;
- getting our hearts to start pumping blood at a higher rate so more blood and oxygen reaches our muscles so we can better fight the enemy, or outrun it.
- directing blood sugar to our muscles, so we have the physical energy for fighting or fleeing.
Not necessarily, but yes, our children are more likely to suffer from panic attacks than non-panickers kids. There seems to be a genetic basis. In almost half of the cases of identical twins with panic both are affected. But behavioral learning may also play a role. In other words our kids are likely to follow in our panic steps.
This makes it even more important that we learn to handle our panic attacks. We recommend that you check out the following self-help guide: Panic Away, by Joe Barry. He has suffered from Panic and Anxiety himself for years, until he managed to hit on one technique that is an almost fail-safe guarantee to rid you of your panic and anxiety.
Does stress trigger panic and anxiety attacks?
Yes, stress seems to play a huge role. There is a strong association between anxiety symptoms and recent loss or separation.
Panic Away - End Anxiety & Panic Attacks. Well-being And Self Help
Driving Fear Program
Panic Miracle (tm): Top Panic Attacks & Anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the World's No.1 Treatment for Anxiety & Panic
The Paruresis Treatment System - Resources and Help for Shy Bladder
The Panic Hack
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